Ti' Punch
“‘Ti Punch” is actually short for “petite punch” and literally means “small punch.” It is consumed all over the French Caribbean, but is probably most associated in the US with the island of Martinique. Ed Hamilton of The Ministry of Rum points out that in the French Caribbean ‘Ti Punch consumption likely accounts for the majority of rhum consumption on the islands
“We have this saying in Martinique: ‘chacun prépare sa propre mort’ which translates to be ‘Each one prepares their own death,’” says Ben Jones, executive at Rhum Clément and descendent of Rhum Clément founder, Homère Clément. “I truly appreciate when a ‘Ti Punch is served deconstructed because I like to prepare my own. A tray would have a bottle of Sirop or natural sugar, cut limes, a bowl of ice and a bottle of rhum.”